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This movie is based on the true story of Homer Hickman Jr. who was the son of a West Virginia coal mine, one that was destined to close due to low production. In October 1957 he watched the Russian Sputnik satellite streak across the night sky and became inspired to build a rocket of his own.
In doing so he converted three of his friends to work on the project with him, and the group succeeded in blowing up his mother's new fence, and almost did damage to the mine site. His father being the finest and most respected miners, could not understand why his son would reject a living he has taken great pride in. The son is every bit as stubborn as his father and persists against a background of community and school ridicule. The low point is when Homer and friends, the Rocket Boys are arrested for starting a forest fire with one of their rockets.
Luckily some newly developed abilities in trigonometry and calculus come to their help: it was not possible for the rocket to have flown far enough to reach the fire area.
Seldom did anyone from Coalwood West Virginnia ever get to go to college. After winning the National Science Fair all four of the boys went on to complete college. Home Hickman went on to help train NASA astronauts, fought in Viet Nam and is an award winning author.
This movie is an unashamed feel good'er but you can't fault it because the basic story is true. Watch it when you need the strength to have faith in yourself, despite what others think.
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